Bug Report Update

Hey everyone! Logan here with a small update.

Now that the game has been released, I have been getting reports of some serious bugs and softlocks in a few places. I'm frankly not too surprised that some things passed QA, since I was basically doing all the QA by myself despite attempts to get outside help, but nonetheless, I'm seeing several things that are making me facepalm as to why I missed them. Basically what I'm saying is that you can expect a bugfix patch sometime soon, before the update with the Sachiko chapter drops.

Below are some of the bugs I have been alerted to. Beware that there may be spoilers to the game, so you may want to click off this page if you intend to play the game for yourself.





Still here? Alright then.

Bug Report:
-Changing the lead character causes them to be duplicated in some cutscenes. I know what causes this and it's not an easy fix but still feasible.

-Snakes in the Serpent Room do not cause damage. Whoops. ^^'

-Talking to Shiho without triggering the 2-9 scene is possible by using the loose board on the gap outside the serpent room. This will be kept in as a speedrunner trick since it does not lock progression, and I'll move the journal to the other shelf in the room so it can't be permanently missed.

-Prompts for unlocking the serpent door and pool door with the corresponding keys occur every time either door is used. This isn't really serious but I can remove the prompt after the first time to cut down on the repetitious text.
-At least one situation where Yoshikazu does not spawn into a room during a chase sequence properly. It's difficult to explain how this will be fixed since Yoshikazu's chase systems are actually pretty complicated under the hood, but I know where to look to find the issue and how to fix it.

-The Bile room can be passed without the Blessed Shoes, blocking off progression if the game is saved at that point. This will be easily fixed by just making the center tiles of the room instantly kill the player if the shoes haven't been collected by that point.

-Going to the left after Yoshiki and Ayumi return from 2-9 triggers the old version of the event, giving the team the Marble Statue. As the meeting event has been changed, there is no way to transfer the marble statue to Satoshi's team, thus causing a dead run. This will be fixed by updating the event to give the art room key, as intended.

Please feel free to comment or message me on Twitter with any glitches I may have missed. Thank you for playing Corpse Party ~Rebirth~, and stay tuned for future updates!

Get Corpse Party ~REBIRTH~

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